Stand Against Cancer - The Story of a Song     - Free Song Download! 

Stand Against Cancer was written by Zachariah Loon aka Daddy Love on July 19th, 2009 at the local airport diner in Norman, Oklahoma. 

Daddy Love performs as Zachariah Loon in Second Life; an online virtual world imagined & created by its residents. A friend had asked Zachariah a few months before to write a special song to debut at Second Life's Relay For Life 2009 to benefit the American Cancer Society.  
It had not been spoken about it for weeks but on the way to breakfast the morning of the show Zachariah remembered the request. Since it had not been mentioned, perhaps the friend had forgotten about it. He felt bad about having not come up with a song so he took some 3 x 5 cards and a pen with him to breakfast - just in case. After breakfast and about 2 hours before he was to play the closing slot for SL Relay For Life 2009 Zachariah wrote STAND AGAINST CANCER while drinking coffee in a booth at the diner.

Once on stage at the RFL event in Second Life, Zachariah played an original song, and then introduced STAND AGAINST CANCER - the song that he had just written that morning. After a few chords on the guitar to set the mood Zachariah sang "Cancer touches all of our lives, Mother, Father, Daughter and Son..." The lyrics of the song hit home to the audience. STAND AGAINST CANCER has a universal perspective that applies to all of us and takes an aggressive empowering stance against cancer. "Until it's gone for once and for all!" 

After playing the song Zachariah announced that he had intended to end the show with that song but just couldn't wait. He asked if it would be all right to play it a second time at the end of the show. The audience response was overwhelmingly in favor and so it was the closing song for SL Relay For Life 2009.
I want to share an MP3 recording and lyrics to STAND AGAINST CANCER with you. Feel free to download this song and lyrics and share with your friends and family. Thanks for your time and support of this great cause!
- Richard 'Daddy' Love aka Zachariah Loon

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